There are several flood control automation systems in the Huaihe River basin, such ashydrological automation system of measurement and forecast, real-time system of treating hydrollogi-cal information and forecasting, meteorological automation system, communication system and fldricontrol in formation projection system. Hydrological automation system of masurement and forecast in-cludes interpret hydrological telegram l real-time hydrological in formation network and remote sense.Real-time system of treating hydrological information and forecasting includes hydrological data in-dex subsystem and flood forecasting subsystem- Meteorological automation system includes GMS-globe meteorological satellite cloud chart, radar echo chart terminal, and auto - drawing synopticchart. Communication system includes Huaihe microwave communication network and the Yishusipoint to multipoint radio system. The main equipment of large screen display of flood control informa-tion system is an electric computer projecter (ECP- 3500). From now on, we want to set up Huaihelocal- computer - network and fldri control dicision support system for upgrading modern way inHuaihe River basin.
Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering