笔者首次在河南林县发现下奥陶统牙形石,地层可划分为冶里组和亮甲山组。在冶里组建立“Acoclus”oneotensis—Scolopodus restrictus 带;在亮甲山组建立 Paraserratognathuspaltodiformis 带。论证该区下奥陶统中间存在一个沉积间断。
The north part of Henan Province is located geologically in the south part of the North China platform,no lower Ordovician fossil was collected in last decades.Recenty,the authors found the lower Ordovician conodonts from Linxian County,thus providing the basis for determation,subdivision and correlation of lower Ordovician in this area. Based on the abundant eonodonts,Yeli and Liangjiaohan Formations can be divided,and“Acodus”oneotensis-Scolopodus restrictus zone in Yeli Formation and Paraserratognathus paltodiformis zone in Liangjiashan Formation can be established in this area. Acorrding to the first discovery of a conglomorate bed in the base of Liangjiashan Formation and the lacuna of several Lower Ordovician conodont zones of North China,a sedimentary hiatus can be determented in this area.
Regional Geology of China