By Protreating the microplate with tannie acid, adding 4% PEG to the dilution fluid to increase NaCl concentration in it, substituting egg white for chicken serum, TMBS for OPD, normal saline solution for PBS as the washing solution, raising reaction temperature shorting reaction time, we have established a rapid double sandwish ELISA, and applied this method in the detection of Japanese B - encephalitis virus antigens and McAbs. Beginning from the microplate coating, the whole test could be finished within one hour, wfth antigenic titre being four times higher than that of hemagglutination test, or as high as that of conventional double sandwish ELISA, and McAb titre ten to ten thousend times higher than that of indirect ELISA, or as high as ten times higher than that of conventional double sandwish ELISA. It showed that this method was rapid, simple, specific and sensitive.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses