This paper describes a straight-pipe nozzle with changeable apertures designed fora spouted bed with a diameter of 182 mm to study the local-void distributions of the bed employingmillet and urea as test materials. The measurements of local-voidage were carried out with an optical fiber sensor. From the results of the investigation on voidages on the spouted bed it is foundthat the flow regime in the spouted bed can be divided into four different zones: spout zone, annular zone, dense phase zone and wall-effect -cone. Voidage of the dense phase zone was equivalent tothat of the packed bed and did not change with operating conditions. The dense phase played a dicisive role in forming a good spout state in the bed. The discovery of the dense phase zone willhave positive effects on the study of hydrodynamics of the spouted bed and its practical application.
Journal of Tianjin University(Science and Technology)