通过总结62例拥挤错 患者采用细丝弓扩弓的固定矫治方法,发现牙弓的长度、宽度和牙轴倾斜度均不同程度地增长,结果为拥挤的牙齿提供了间隙,临床疗效稳定,其总有效率为96.7%,提示对拥挤错 进行间隙分析后才确定是否拔牙或扩弓的方法是行之有效的。文章还对细丝弓技术的特点、扩弓的方法、效果和限度进行了讨论。
By using thin filaments and arch expansion to fix and vectify the crushing malocclusion in 62 cases, we found that the length and width of tooth arch as well as the slope of the tooth axis increased in varying degrees, which resulted in the formation of space between the crushing teeth. The curative effects were steady and the effective rate totaled 96.7%. It is a good way to select either extration or expansion arch after making an analysis of the space of crushing malocclusion. This paper has also discussed about the technical characteristics of thin filament arch,the ways of expanding arch, the effects and the limitations.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji