The distribution map of the saline-alkali soils complied based on
the 1 to100000 and 1 to 250000 scale TM pictures reflects the real situation of the saline-alkali
soils during the middle and late 80’s in Heilong-gang region. By calculationthere are
393400ha of salt-affected soils of which over half is slight saline-alkali so-ils. Under the natural
and anthropogenic effects,the area of the saline-alkali soilsis obviously decreasing and its
harm is lightenning,especially in the upper part ofplain. This same trend is found in the coastal
area,although the salinization is stillvery serious.By comprehensive analysis,the lightenning
of the salinity improvesthe development of agriculture,forestry and animal husbandry in this
region,but thedescending of the underground water level and the shortage of water resources
willbring out unfavorable effects on the environment quality. So it is necessary to com-bine
agriculture,forestry and animal husbandry in this area to make the resourceabe fully and
rationally utilized.
Acta Pedologica Sinica