Studies on the detection of HBV DNA in serum by PCR using a set of primers in Pre-C and C region of HBV genome were carried out. 26 samples of normal individuals serum and 95 samples of hepatitis B or suspected hepatitis B serum with different immunological marks and clinical symptoms were tested. Among them, all 26 normal individuals were HBV DNA negative and 66 of 95 the latter were HBV DNA positive. 43 of 44 HBeAg-positive and 45 of 50 anti-HBc-positive with HBsAg presented HBV DNA, and all 4 anti-HBs-positive were negative for HBV DNA separately. In 11 samples which were negative for all immunological marks, 3 samples were HBV DNA positive. Results showed that the method we used here in diagnosing HBV DNA was superior to the routine method, both in specificity and sensitivity. It could detect 0. 1pg HBV DNA at least.
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology