本文对比观察了213例2月龄、3月龄婴儿接种DTP后百日咳抗体水平的变化,探讨了母传抗体对免后抗体增长的影响。结果表明2月龄、3月龄婴儿DTP免疫后1个月和3个月血清中百日咳抗体达保护水平的百分率无显著性差异(x ̄2=0.036,p>0.9;x ̄2=0.327,p>0.5),免后1个月抗体GMT无显著性差异(t=0.17,p>0.5),免后3个月抗体GMT3月龄组高于2月龄组(t=2.22,p<0.05)。我们还发现免前抗体水平与免后1个月GMT虽有负相关(r=—0,754)的倾向,但总体上对抑制免后抗体应答不明显,因而建议将儿童DTP基础免疫的起始月龄提前至2月龄进行。
Agglutinin levels against pertussis were determined in 213 infants who administed DTP vaccine for the pimary immunization serious at first two months and three months of age. 1 month after last primary immunization serologic evidence of pretective titers against pertussis and geometri mean titer(GMT)were similar in two study groups, respectively, 95. 83%, 95. 28% and 1 : 901.79, 1 : 943. 86. 3 months after last primary. immunization,agglutinin levels against pertussis were similar,respectively 70. 83%and 76. 10%. But GMT of three month regimen was higher than that of two month regimen ,respectively,1: 470. 38and 1 : 340. 82.We alse had found lower levels of transplacentally acquired antibody prior to immunization did not impair serologic response to pertussis antigan. However, We suggested infants administer DTP vaccine for the primary immunization at first two months of age.
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology