he serum phenytoin concentration was reported in epileptic patients who were poisonedwithphenytoin(PHT) monotherapy in 25 cases and with phenytoin combined with carbamazepine (CBZ)in l2 cases. When the doses of PHT given orallyintwo groups were similar (P>O.O5),themean serum concentration of PHT was48.46±11.49μg/ml( in the monotherapeutic group)and 24.86±1.03μg/ml in thd combination group.It indicated that the mean serum concentrtion ofthe monotkerapeuticgroup poisoned by PHT was about two times that of the combination group.The mean oral dose of CBZ per day was 2.66±1.03μg/ml.It suggested that CBZ might influencethe pharmacodynamics of PHT ,thus decreasing the PHTserum concentration. In the combinationgroup ,the poisoning concentration of PHT was obviously lower than that in the monotherapeuticgroup。 It suggested that CBZ could strengthen the toxicity of PHT. Even though the concerntra-tion of PHT was within effective range ,it could result in poisoning symptoms.lt was thought thatwhen two drugs were used concomittantly ,the serum concentration of PHT could not be used as areference index for regulating the dosage.
Journal of Wenzhou Medical College