MOSFETs are usually used in the preamplifier of fiber optical receiver for the low and moderate bite communicaltion systems beccause of their higher input impedance and negligible gate leakage current. The preamplifier noise is a critical factor in determing the receiver sensitivity,which is the main figure of merit for a fiber optical receiver. In this papar,the universal expression of the thermal noise spectral density of MOSFETs is derived by using a new method. From this expression,the thermal noise spectral density of MOSFETs operating in strong inversion is given by SID= 4 kTagmsat or 4 KTrgdohm,where both a and rdepend on the acceptor impurity concentration in the substrate, the oxide thickness, and the drain voltage etc. For commercial MOSFETs,the acceptor impurity concentration can be from 1015cm -3 to 1017cm-3, therefore a is about three times greater than 2/3 given by the many literatures concerned with fiber optical receiver design,and r is about equal to 2/3. The theory is in agreement with experimental results.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)