迄今国外的研究者们在平行平板模型和压延理论的基础上已建立起某种理论模型来计算异向旋转啮合型双螺杆挤出机熔体输送段中 C 形小室的产量和压力降。本文作者描述了一种关于 C 形小室的新的物理模型,该模型把螺槽区和四个间隙联系起来,反映了异向旋转啮合型双螺杆挤出机螺杆几何参数的变化以及主要流动和漏流之间的关系。作者提出了根据 C 形小室和口模产量—压力特性来决定完全充满的C 形小室数和熔体输送工作点的方法,该方法使得计算熔体输送区的总压力降、总扭矩和总功耗成为可能。将实验结果和理论计算进行比较证明:该模型在决定压力降,扭矩,功耗和 C形小室充满数方面,对现有模型来说是一大改进。
The researchers at abroad,based on parallel plate model and calendertheories,have established some theoretical models to compute the output andpressure drop of a so called C-chamber.In this paper,author describes a newphysical model for C-chamber,which links the channel with all gaps.Thismodel reflects internal geometric variations of the extruder and relationsbetween the main flow and the leakage flow.A way of determining the numbers of fully filled C-chamber and theoperating point of the pumping zone from the output-pressure-characteristicof a C-chamber and the die,which makes it possible to calculate the totalpressure drop,the total torque and the total power consumption of thepumping zone.By comparing the results of the experiments and the theoretical calculation,it is proved that the theoretical model is better than the other models in deter-mining the pressure drop,the torque,the power consumption and thenumbers of fully filled C-chamber.
China Plastics