A zone of well-preserved pseudotachylite was found in the metamorphic complex of the HelanshanGroup. From the attitUdes and the configUrations of the pseudotachylite injection veins, the resorption borderof the porphyroclasts, feltspat microlites, the now texture and the spherulitec structures, it can be inferredthat the pseudotachylite was the cooling substances formed from the fused mass which had been producedfrom a part of the melted rocks on the ancient seismic fault planes due to the frictional heat caused by therapid movement along the slip surfaces. Chemicaly the pseudotachylite appears similar to the andestic magma.The melting process was a rapid, overheating and unbalaced process. The highest melting temperature wasprobably above 1400C,and the depth under which it formed was aoproximately Ibm. The ancient earthquakestook place later than the early Woterozoic era but earlier tham the formation of the S--N trending fold beltsof the Helanshan mountains, concerning the basement uplifting during the formation of the middle Proterozoicbasin structures.