Bond et al in 1965[1] utilized physics fundamentals to derive the relationship bwtween Mach angle and Mach number. The first author developed the idca in Ref[1] further, and derived the above-mentioned relationship in a difftrcnt way [2]. Rof.[2] has been given relatively long reportage in both Engineering Index and International Acrosp:lcc Abstrilcts. In this paper the authors develop still further the idea of Ref.[1] and give a cleverer derivation .In the derivation by Bond et al a potential function was introduced in wave equation,but its pbyscial meaning was not discussed. Bond et al only said that potential function was related to the air pressure cxcrtcd On supersonic body. The authors deem that this air pressure is actually caused by collisions of air molecules with the surface of the oh.jcct, willch Icaal to a momentum transfer bctwccn it and air. Thus air pressure is related to mass flux density, which is an important concept introdueed by Laidau [3]. The authors, .after giving potential function of Bond et al physical meaning in terms of Landal's mass flux density. are able to derive the relationship between Mach angle and Mach number in a way much shorter tian that of Ref[2] and much much shorter than that of Ref.[1].
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University