对100名居住于海拔4500米高原的正常居民进行24小时动态心电图监测,其中世居高原藏族78名,移居高原汉族22名,年龄17—60岁,平均36.25岁.世居组24小时总心搏为116143±20224次,移居组为125618±15543次;每分钟平均心率分别为80±15.3次和87±11.1次,两组间均有显著性差异(P<0.05).心律失常检出率为 100%,其中窦性心律失常检出率为99%,主要为窦性心动过速和窦性心动过缓,前者多发生在起床、运动或激动时,后者多发生在夜间熟睡或休息时,故无特殊意义.房性和室性心律失常检出率分别为37%和45%,交界性心律失常占1%.本组还挂出ST-T改变6例,因采用的是监护导联,故临床意义应结合临床和常规导联心电图变化综合分析判断.
Monitoring of 24 hours dynamic electrocardiogram has been performed on 100 healthy residents living in 4500m region above sea level. Among them, native Tibetans 78 (male 41, female37), the Han mi-grators22 (male17, female5), age from 17 to 60 (mean age 36. 25 years). The total heart pulsation of Tibetan group was 116143± 20224/24 hrs and the Han group was 125618 ± 15543/24 hrs;The mean heart rate of Tibetan group was 80±15. 3/min and the Han group was 87± 11. 1/min. There were significant difference between the two groups (P< 0. 05).The detectable rate of arrythmia was 100%. Among them, sinus arrythmia was 99%, a-trial arrythmia was 37%, ventricular arryth-mia was 45% and Junctional arrythmia was 1%.
Tibetan Medicine