在四川省温江县连续3年研究了水旱连作高产田复种方式的能量和养分转换效率。结果表明,产量在15t/hm ̄2左右时,麦稻玉米(或马铃薯)三熟制的能量与养分投入多于麦稻两熟制,但能效与养分转换效率却相反。总能投入须18~25×10 ̄4MJ/hm ̄2,N,P_2O_5和K_2O投入分别为350~400kg/hm ̄2,140~170kg/hm ̄2和350~400kg/hm ̄2。
In this experiment we studied ,for three continuous years,tbeconversion efficiency ofenergy and nutrient of three kind methods of multiple cropping in high-yield fields of wa-ter-dry continuous cropping in Wenjiong County , the western part of Sichuan Plain. Theresults indicate that the inputs of energy and nutrient in the system of wheat-rice-maize(or potato)three-cropping were more than that in the system of wheat -rice double-cropping, but reaction of conversion efficiency of energy and nutrient was opposite whenyield all over the year was about 15.0 t/hm ̄2 . With this yield level,total energy inputsmust be 18.0~25. 0× 10 ̄4MJ/hm ̄2; Inputs of N,P_2O_5 and K_2O must separately be,350.0~400. 0 kg/hm ̄2,140.O~170.0 kg/hm ̄2 and 350.0~400. 0 kg/hm ̄2. More suitably, the sys-tem of wheat -rice double -cropping was chcsen for the aim of high yeild and high efficen-cy.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University