讨论了三聚氰胺多元醇与6305多元醇的反应性及在水、氟里昂-11(CFC-11)和 CFC-11与水混合物作发泡剂时制备硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料的工艺特性.含三聚氰胺多元醇的各种制品导热系数分别为:水发泡剂0.022W/m·℃,CFC-11发泡剂0.015 W/m·℃,CFC-11与水混合物发泡剂0.018w/m·℃.在所有情况下,含三聚氰胺多元醇的泡沫塑料导热系数在室温和热老化(65℃)时的变化耍比单一使用6305多元醇泡沫要小.同时还分析了匀泡剂用量对制品性能的影响.
The reactivity of melamine polyols (MP) and 6305 polyols,the key point of the preparation of rigid polyurethane foam using respectively water,chlorofluorocarbon-11 (CFC-11),the mixture of CFC-11 and water as foaming agent was discussed.The ther- mal conductive coefficient of the products containing MP were as follows:water as foaming agent:0.22w/m·℃,water and CFC-11 as foaming agent:0.018W/m·℃,CFC-11 as foaming agent:0.015w/m·℃.In all cases,the thermal conductive coefficient of foam containing MP changed less than that of single 6305 polyols foam at room temperature and 65℃ (thermal ageing temperature).Meanwhile the influence of foam even agent usage on the property of product was discussed.
Modern Plastics Processing and Applications