本文总结了自 1979年全国情报文献工作标准化技术委员会成立以来我国情报文献标准化工作取得的成就 ,介绍了目前“文标会”工作的两个重点 :制修订国家标准和编制《科技信息系统标准使用指南》,指出了我国情报文献标准化工作应注意信息技术的新发展趋势 。
The paper generalizes the achievements o f the standardization for information an d documentation in China from the foundi ng of China National Technical Committee of Standardization for Information and Documentation(CNTCSID).The two current m ajor probjects of CNTCSID are described as follows:The setting up and the revisin g of national standards and the editting o f the Introduction of Standards Used in Scientifical & Technological Information Systems.It is pointed out that the stan dardization in this area should be compatible with which developments in inform ation technologies.Finnally,the authors give out their opinions about how to imp rove the standardization in this area.
New Technology of Library and Information Service