
超声与钼靶X线诊断乳腺肿块对比分析 被引量:1

Compared Stu4y on Breast Masses by Ultrasound and Molybdenum TargetRadiography
摘要 对58例乳腺肿块的超声显像、钼靶X线摄影及术后病理结果进行对比分析,良性肿块40例,超声与X线诊断敏感性分别为85%和78%;乳腺癌18例,超声与X线诊断敏感性分别为89%和83%。对漏误诊病例分析显示,超声检查漏诊率高,而X线检查误诊率高,发病年龄<45岁组,超声诊断敏感性高于X线摄影,分别为100%和71%,年龄>45岁组,超声诊断敏感性低于X线摄影,分别为82%和91%,两种方法联合应用诊断良性肿块符合率为92.5%,恶性肿块符合率94%。两种方法诊断良恶性肿块的X ̄2检验无显著性差异(P>0.05),提示:超声与钼靶X线对乳腺肿块的诊断,各具优势和局限性,如能发挥其优势来互补局限性,当能提高乳腺肿块的诊断水平。 The results of ultrasound,molybdenictarget radiography and pathology were analysed for58 cases of breast masses. The study showed that di-agnostic corresponding rates of ultrasound and radio-graphy are 85%and 78%respectively in 40 cases ofbenign masses and 89%and 83%respectively in 18cases of malignent masses.The values had no signifi-cant difference by X ̄2 test (P<0.05)between ultra-sound and radiography.The missed rate of ultra-sound and misdiagnostic rate of radiography arehigh.The diagnosing ability is different between ul-trasound and radiography in various age groups ofbreast cancer. In the group below 45 years old,themissed rate of ultrasound is higher than radiography(100%vs 71%respectively),while in the group over45,that of ultrasound is lower than radiography(82%vs 91%respectively).The rates of diagnosingbenign and maiignent masses are raised to 92.5%and94%respectively when ultrasound and radiographyare performed jointly. We conclude that ultrasoundand molybdenic target radiography have separate ad-vantages and limits in diagnosis of breast cancer,and if we can give play to other′s strong points to offsetone′s weakness each other,the diagnostic effect willbe promoted.
机构地区 解放军第
出处 《现代诊断与治疗》 CAS 1995年第5期275-276,共2页 Modern Diagnosis and Treatment
关键词 乳腺肿块 超声波诊断 钼靶 X线 乳腺肿瘤 Breast masses UltrasonographyMolybdenic target radiography
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