he paper reported 7
numerical measurement results of 124 examples(Uygur nationality 39 examples and Han
nationality 85 examples)of cranium X-ray plain film,It was foundthat between the male and the
female of both Uygur and Han, the largest anteroposterior di-ameter of intracranialis,the largest
depth of intracranialis,cranium length, cranium heighthad noTable difference (P<0.01).But the
maximal tall of intracranialis has only notable dif-ference between Han male and female
(P<0.01).Between males of Uygur and Han, thelargest transverse diarneter of intracranialis,the
maximal depth of intracranialis and craniumheight had notable difference (P<0.01).Between
female of Uygur and Han 7 numerical hadnot notable difference(P> 0.05)It was rnainly round
cranium that between male and fe-male of Uygur and Han in analysing cranial index, inferior to
medial cranium;Between maleand female of Han,male of Uygur, high cranium type was the
main type,inferior to ortho-cephaly,However,orthocephaly;cmain in female of Uygur,inferior to
high cranium.