130 cases of
openheart operation throtigh extracorporeal circulation were selected byrandom and divided
into two groups,warm blood groLip(A=75)and no warm blood group(B=55).There was no
significant difference between two groups on age,blood dilution andtype of oxygei1ator(P>0.05),
We acquired the warm blood(5~10 ml/kg) from arterial micro-embolism filter of extracorporeal
circulation system after rewarming and then mixed itwith cold cardioplegic solution,perfusion
was through aortic root.Average bypass time and aortic clamping time of group A were
predominantly longer than that of group B after operation.Selfheart resuscitation rate of group A
was evidently higher than that of group B.Mobidity of low-cardial output and mortality of group
A were significantly lower than that ofgrotip B, It indicated that warm blood played a role in
myocardium protection, but at the sametime it was also found that warm blood-induced
perhsion elongated the time of arrest afterclamping aorta. It is disadvantageous to myocardium
protection.Its mechanism needs to bestudied further.
oxygenated warm blood
cardioplegic solution
myocardium protection
extra-corporeal circulation