泰国和马来西亚是东南亚国家中经济发展都比较快的国家。近几年来两国的经济取得了巨大的成就,令世人瞩目。许多人士预言,它们将是未来亚洲的两条新“小龙”。吸引大量外资是两国经济政策的重要组成部分,比较两国投资(主要是外资)的政策,对于探究两国经济迅猛发展的原因有一定积极意义。 泰国和马来西亚都十分重视引进外资。泰国迄今为止先后制定了四部投资法。
Thailand and Malaysia have been regarded as two future new ' Asian Tigers'. The dynamic cause for the two countries' economic development is that both countries pay very much attention to attracting foreign investment. But since there are dirrerent conditions in the two countries.there are many differences in the sameness and samenesses in difference with regard to investment-orienttion policies. First,as viesed from the goal of investment in industries with focus on manufacture. agriculture nd tourism ;secondly, as viesed from investment proportion, Malaysia requires good proportion of ethnic structure while Thailand only regulates the scope that dispermits foreigners' employment; At last,as viewed from the control of foreign capital,foreign firms in Thailand are allowed to absorb capital localyy while in Malaysia,there are strict regulations. But as viesed rom the samenesses, both Thailand and Malaysia impletments market economic rules. i. e. while carrying out market economics,both countries make full advantage of national macroeconomic adujstment and control over investment. especially foreign investment by economic legislature.which is the major reason for both countries's fast economic growth.
Asia-Pacific Economic Review