采用表层角膜镜片术治疗6只无晶体眼和近视眼,1~23个月后将其去除。近视组包括一只以 ArF-准分子激光治疗远视的表层角膜镜片。去除镜片的原因为上皮损害,受眼角膜水肿和过矫。表层镜片的基质显示中心区的纤维结构正常,角质细胞稀少。电子显微镜检查显示胞浆中的细胞器和细胞核保存完整,未见淋巴细胞和其他单核细胞。6只境片的前弹力层均正常,未见前弹力层破裂,仅有轻度波状弯曲,偶见局部有皱褶。角膜上皮有轻度异常,厚度有变化。周边切口区域基质层及上皮异常较为明显。
Six human epikeratophakia lenticules were remo- ved 1 to 23 months after refractive keratoplasty for aphakia(2)and myopia(3).The myopic group in- cluded one epi-lens treated with ArF-excimer laser for hyperopia.Causes of removal were epithelial de- fect(4),edema of host cornea(1)and overcorre- ction(1),The epi-lens stroma showed a central regular fibrillar structure with a low keratocyte den- sity.Electronmicroscopy revealed preserved cytoplas- mic organelles and nuclear appearance.Lymphocytes and other mono-nuclear cells were absent,Bowan's membrane was normal in all cases.Breaks were not seen while a slight wavy appearance and occasionally focal bends occurred.The epithelium was somewhat irregular and changing in thickness.In the peripher- al wound region stromal and epithelial irregularities were evident.
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