our previous work showed that a suppressive factor( a
protein with largemolecular weight in serum was induced by restraint
stress in mice and rats,which suppressed Con Ainduced lymphocyte
proliferation.It was also found that the generation of serum
suppressive factorwas under control of the central nervous system.Our
further study showed thatintracerebroventricular(icv )injection of
interleukin 1 receptor antagonist(IL-1Ra)antagonised thegeneration of
serum suppressive factor induced by restraint stress and icv
injection of interleukin-1β(IL-1β)increased the generation of the
suppressive factor.Our experiment also showed that the
serumsuppressive factor induced by restraint stress was first made in
lymph tissue and then released intoblood.The present work was
designed to investigate the role of IL-1 in the brain in generation
of thesuppressive factor in lymph node in mice.Icv injection of IL-1
β( 1 pg/mouse) was shown tosignificantly increase the generation of
the suppressive factor in lymph node.Icv injection of IL-1Ra,however
,antagonised generation of the suppressive factor.In mice without
restraint stress,both thesuppressive factor in serum and in lymph
node were found to be induced in dose-dependent manner byicv
injection of IL-1β.Taken together,these results suggest that IL-1β
in brain played a veryimportant role in generation of the suppressive
factor in lymph node.The positive correlation betweenthe suppressive
action of lymph node and of serum added to the evidence that lymph
tissue is probablythe source of the serum suppressive factor.
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica