

The reduction of the cocentration of potassium ions of Nong Dang Gui injection(injection angelicae sinensis fortis)
摘要 本研究以'浓当归注射液'为例,探讨了从工艺上降钾的途径。在确认生药是 K^+的主要来源,并采用 ABC 分析法确定酒沉为整个制备工艺中降低 K^+浓度的关键工序的基础上,进一步采用正交试验法对酒沉工艺条件进行了优选。试验结果表明,采用含醇量85%、加醇搅拌5min、在0℃下放置72h 为最佳条件,由此制备的'浓当归注射液'的 K^+浓度即可符合有关标准,同时亦不影响作为有效成分之一的阿魏酸含量,从而为进一步工业化生产提供了依据。 Obvious local irritation and myocardial dama-ge occurred because of high potassium ions(K^+)le-vel after intravenous injection of Chinese herbalmedicine.So K^+ level should be controlled withinreasonable bounds for i.v.preparations.To reduceK^+ in Chinese herbal injection'Nong Dang Gui in-jection'was used as an example.Optimum techni-cal conditions were established by orthogonal me-thod,based on the findings that crude drug is the-main source of K^+ in the preparation and alcoholprecipitation is the key procedure for reducing K^+level in the technical processes by ABC analyti-cal method.It was found that when 85% alcoholsolution was stirred for 5 minutes and kept at 0℃for 72 hours,K^+ level met the relevant standard,the effective ingredient ferulic acid was not re-duced,thus,providing a basis for the industrial ma-nufacture.
机构地区 兰州制药厂
出处 《中国药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第12期729-731,共3页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal
关键词 浓当归注射液 钾离子 酒沉 Nong Dang Gui injection potassium ions(K^+) alcohol precipitation orthogonal method


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