
红壤新开地牧草基肥效应研究 被引量:1

Effects of basal dressing on forage crops in newly opened red soil:
摘要 本试验针对红壤新开地的特点,对5个抗旱、耐酸、耐瘠牧草品种进行了基肥效应的研究,结果表明:红壤新开地施用基肥能促进牧草出苗、生长、刈割、再生,并提高产量,其中有机肥效果最好。不同品种对基肥的反应有较大的差异,冬季俄勒冈黑麦草、徐苕3号,夏季杂交狼尾草、印尼大绿豆可作为红壤新开地的先锋作物。 The effects of different kinds of basal dressing on 5 forage crops resistant to drought, acidity and low fertility were studied in newly opened red soil. The results show that the application of basal dressing in the soil could stimulate seedling and seedling growth and increase yield, in which organic matter was best. The differences among 5 species reacted to basal dressing is also identified. Lolium multiflorum and Vicia villosa are recommanded for winter planting and Pennisetum purpurcum × Pennisetum americanuem and Phaseolus aureus for summer planting.
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 1995年第5期408-411,共4页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
关键词 红壤新开地 牧草 基肥 有机肥 效应 Newly opened red soil Forage crops Basal dressing Organic matter
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