The clinical effect of G-CSF producetl by the Zhongwai Company was obsetved through 15 cases of trophoblastic tumor pa-tients treated by large dosage chemotherapy, using the method of auto contrast. 1) In the using drug group, the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) was < 2000/mm3 in 40 % (6/15), which was obviously lower than that of the control group in which was 87 % (13/15 ), and the ANC nadir was obviously higher than that of the control groupl 2) ln same group,tbe number of days in wbich ANC remained at low level was obviously less than that of the control group (p<0. 01),and the average time required to recover from ANC nadir to more than 2000/mm3 was 0. 9 day. whlch was obviously shorter than that of the control group in which was 4. 3 days (p<0.05); 3)The two groups showed no dif-ference in platelet count (p>0.05); 4) In the medicine treatment group, not a single case developed secondary infection, the infection occurring rate was lower than that of the control group (p<0.05); 5)With using of G-CSF, 100% had lumbago and hackache,but not severe. It indi-cates G-CSF could protnote neutrophil recovery,decrease the occurrence of secOndary infections in chemotherapy patients and has mild of toxi city and side effects.