508 patients with cervical carciooma received surgical treatment from September 1970 to June 1988. Among these cases, 66 were in xtage 1., 288 were in stage Ⅱb, 95 were in stage Ⅱa and 59 were in stage Ⅱb according staging of FIGO(1985). The author per-formed radical hysterectomy with pevic lymphadenectomy for these patients. The metastatic lesions of 1 7 cases with periaortic nodal metastases were also dissected. The radiotherapy of 1200~2000o cGy given before tbe operation was performed. if tumor diameter was>2cm, 4000~4500 cGy given after tbe operation was performed,if the nodes were positive or stage Ⅱb confirmed by patbology. The chemotherapy was Per-formed when periaortic nodes were positive. The five years survival rate of 508 cases was 92. 0%. The 5 years survival rats of stage stage Ib stage Ⅱa and stage Ⅱb were 95. 5 %, 93. 4 %, 90. 5 % and 83. 1 % respectivey. The 5 years of sarvival rate of patiens with positive nodes was 71. 4%, and the rate of patients with negative nodes was 95. 6 %. The five years survival rate of 17 patients with periaortic positive nodes was 52. 9% (9/17 cases). In this article,the autbor confirmed the importance of exploring periaortic nodes and excising positive nodes as the any of uterus was invasived,the value of method of isolating ureter and in surgical treatment for stage Ⅱb,and the innuence of lymphan-giography and dyeing of lyrnphaden for the rate of nodal dissecting.
Cervical carcinoma Surgical treatment Lymphangiography Deying of lymphaden Method of isolating ureter and out-side ureter