根据多年定位观察资料,包括从组成种的种子萌发、幼苗生长及成年物种的生长规律和物候节律对湿性常绿阔叶林动态和节律的研究,结果表明:林地种子贮量、可萌发种子量和萌发种数,雨季大于旱季。幼苗生长雨季快于旱季。表明雨季是种子萌发、幼苗生长的最佳季节。立木生长是种间竞争、自我调控、自疏的过程。成年物种各物候期长、不明显与温带阔叶林各物候期短、明显不同,而开花、结果、落果终年进行与西双版纳季节雨林物候节律相似。三者的不同在于季节雨林春季(2~3 月)落叶,常绿阔叶林冬季(11~12 月)落叶,温带阔叶林秋季(9~10 月)落叶。依据物种物候节律特点及其对气候环境的反应区分出3 种生态物候型:1.暖温生态物候型(占总种数(50)的82% );2.温性生态物候型(占12% );3.温凉生态物候型(占0.6% )
According to data of long-term observation,the dynam ics and the rhythm s of the w et evergreen broad-leaved forest in respectofseed germ ination,seedling grow th,grow th law s,and phenological rhythm s of the m ature trees of constituent species w ere analyzed.The species num bers ofthe seeds, germ inable seeds and germ inated seeds ofthe forest in rainy season w ere larger than those in dry season.The grow th rate ofthe seedlings w as faster in rainy season as w ellindicating a season m ost favourable for the grow th of seedlings.The grow th oftreesw as a processofinter-specific com petition,self-regulation and self-thinning. The long and indistinctive phenologicalphases ofthe m ature trees differed from those short and distinctive phenologicalphasesofthe broad-leaved forests in the tem perate.Its continu- ous flow ering,fruiting and fruit-falling w ere sim ilar to the phenologicalrhythm sofseasonal rain forests in Xishuangbanna. How ever, leaf-shedding of the seasonal rain forests in Xishuangbanna,the evergreen broad-leaved forests and the tem perate broad-leaved forests w as in spring (February~March),in Winter (Novem ber~Decem ber)and in autum n (Septem ber~October) respectively.Based on thecharacteristicsin thephenologicalrhythm s ofthe species and their responses to the clim ates,the three eco-phenologicaltypes w ere di- vided as∶1.The w arm tem perate eco-phenologicaltype,w hich accountsfor 82% ofthe total species num ber (50);2.The tem perate eco-phenologicaltype,12% ;3.The cooltem perate eco-phenologicaltype,0.6% .
Evergreen broad-leaved forest
Dynam ics
Rhythm s
Ailao mountains