Isolated intact chloroplasts ofspinach need a medium with a suitableosmotic pressure (about 0. 9 MPa) tomaintain their high rate of photosynthesis. When the osmotic pressure ofthe medium was decreased by loweringsorbitol concentration from 0. 33 mol/L to 0. 17 mol/L, the Percentage ofintact chloroplasts remained unchangeduntil a critical osmotic pressure ofabout 0. 5 MPa was reached. Below0. 1 MPa the chloroplast envolope mpture occurred and CO2 fixation capacitylost. In slightly hypotonic conditions,the CO2-dependent O2 evolution wasinhibited, though the chloroplasts werestill intact(Fig. 1 ). Between 0. 9 MPaand 0. 5 MPa, the inhibition of PGAreduction in hypotonically swollenchloroplasts could be overcome byadding sorbitol to normal concentration(0. 33 mol/L ) (Fig. 3 ). To examinethe site of inhibition we measuredlight-dependent changes of ATP andNADPH levels in indict chloroplasts.The ATP level of the swollen chloroplasts ramained almost the same as thatof the normal chloroplasts(Fig. 4 ), butthe NADPH level was significantlylowered by swelling (Fig. 6). By usingdifferent penetrable electron acceptorsNOd, PGA and OAA, it was foundthat swelling of chloroplasts had no effect on nitrite reduction which used reduced ferredoxin as electron donor. Onthe other hand, PGA or OAA reduction which required NADPH as electron donor was significantly inhibitedby hypotonic swelling (Fig. 5 ). Fromthe above results, it may be deducedthat one of the reasons for the photosynthesis inhibition in hypotonicswelling chloroplasts is the inhibition ofFd-NADP oxidoreductase.
hypotonic swelling, intact chloroplast,CO_2-dependent O_2 evolution