
花生根瘤菌类菌体氢酶的分离提纯及特性 被引量:3

Purification and Some Properties of the Membrane-Bound Hydrogenase from the Bacteroids of Peanut Root Nodules
摘要 花生根瘤菌类菌体经超声波破碎,TritonX-100溶解,正已烷-硫酸铵处理后,再经DEAE-纤维素和Sephacryl凝胶柱层析等纯化步骤,获得凝胶电泳纯的膜结合态氢酶,比活为71.4μmolH2mg-1Protmin-1,为类菌体吸H2活性的211倍。纯化的氢酶分子量为110kD。经SDS-PAGE后,呈现两个蛋白带,分子量分利为65kD和35kD。纯酶的Ni含量为0.62molNi/mol氢酶。在磷酸缓冲液中其活性的最适pH为6.5。DCIP、亚甲蓝、铁氰化钾、细胞色素C均可作为氢酶的电子受体,其中以DCIP为最适。 The H2-uptake hydrogenase fromthe bacteroids of peanut nodules hasbeen purified and characterized. Bacteroids were prepared, then broken bysonication. The membrane-bound hydrogenase was solubilized by treatmentwith Triton X-100 and followed byammonium sulfate-he-cane extractionto remove lipids and detergent.. Thehydrogenase was further purified byDEAE-cellulars column chromatography, eluted with Tris-HCl buffer containing NaCl 0. 3 mol/L and GenapolX-080 0. 2%. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by runningSephacryl H200 column chromatogtaphy twice. The specific activity was71. 4 pmol H2 oxidiZed Per mg proteinper mid and was incrsased 211 foldsrelative to that in hacteroids. Themolecular weisht of native enzyme wasabout 1 10 kD as determined by PAGEin undenatured form. SDS-PAGEShowed two bands with molecularweight of 65 kD and 35 kD, indicatingthat the membrane-bound hydsogenasewas an a, 6 dimer. The nickel contentof purified hydrogenase was found tobe 0. 62 mole Ni/mol hydrogenase.The optimum PH for the activity of thepurified enzyme was found to be near6. 5 in potassium phosphate buffer.Suitable electron acceptors are DCIP,methylene blue, ferricyanide and CytC. The best one is DCIP. Benzyl viologen, methyl viologen and NAD werealmost not reduced.
出处 《植物生理学报(0257-4829)》 CSCD 1995年第1期43-49,共7页 Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 花生 类菌体 氢酶 提纯 特性 根瘤菌 penut, bacteroid, hydrogenase, purification, properties
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