A new virulent determinant of Yersinia pestis was discovered by animal experiments, epizootiol-ogy,epidemiology,and volunteer experiment,in China which is 32-40 kd (kilodalton)protein group in all of known virulent strains of Y. pestis ecotype, high pathogenicity for human being, and the 32 - 40 kd proteins are located on OM (outer membrane ) of virulent strains of Y . pestis, in contrast to there is not 32 kd OMP in Y. pestis Xilingete plateau isolated from Microtus brandti, and the 40 kd protein is not located on OM of this ecotype which is similar to all of avirulent strains of Y. pestis. The results was proved by SDS-PAGE, Western blot, and McAb ELISA . It is suggested that though there 4 virulent determinants (Fra 1, Vwa, Pst1 and Pgm)in Y. pestis Xilingele plateau, it will not be harm to human being.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases