Boat-shape-leaf is commonly appeared in satsuma orchards in China。 This symp-tom is usually thought to be associated with satsuma dwarf virus(SDV).Since 1985,80Samples of satsuma with boat-shape-leaf collected from 9 provinces were identified for SDVinfection by indicator, white sesame (Sesamum indicum ) and by ELISA。The results showedthat 3 out of 80 samples,which collected from the plants imported from Japan in 1980’s,wereinfected with SDV,the others are SDV-free.Boat-shape-leaf of some of the SDV-free sam-ples are graft-transmissible. All of 18 SDV-free samples detected by ELISA with CTV anti-serum were found to be infected with CTV. More severe bOat-shape-leaf symptom could beinduced by heavy pruning of the tree in spring。The resuIts of graft-inoculating CTV intovirus-free satsuma showed that CTV could also cause boat-shape-leaf symptcm。It is sug-gested that boat-shape-leaf symptom of satsuma in China are associated with CTV in gene-ral。
South China Fruits