In order to understand the morbidity,the mechanism and relevant factors of hypertension in recombinat human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) treating renal anaemia, alterations in hemoglobin, blood viscosity,plasma concentration of renin and angiotensin,and blood pressure, cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance were evaluated in 40 patients with uremia who had undergone maintaining hemodialysis.All patients were treated with erythropoietin for renal anemia. After treatment, renal anemia was inproved in 90% of the patients, but 37.5%of those developed hypertension. The occurrence of hypertension correlated closely with the dosage of erythropoietin and the age of the patients, and was related to previotis history of hypertension. In the majority of the patients, hypertension occurred when hemoglobin level was high. However, an increase in blood viscosity and cardiac output and changes in plasma concentration of renin and angiotensin did not play an important role in the pathogenesis of hypertension. The mechanism of hypertension may possibly be due to an augmentation of peripheral vascular resistance.
renal anemia
peripheral vascular resistance