
氟作业工人维生素C需要量的研究 被引量:1

Study on Vitamin C Requirement in Fluoride Workers
摘要 通过控制5组氟作业工人维生素C的每日摄入量,以清晨空腹1h尿、任意克肌酐尿和4h负荷尿中维生素C的排出量为观察指标,探讨该职业工人每日维生素C的需要量。结果表明,当每日维生素C摄入量由96.6mg增高至146.6m时,清晨空腹1h尿、任意克肌酐尿和4h负荷尿中维生素C的排出量均明显增高,且有统计学差异;用两回归交点法分析表明,氟作业工人维生素C的每日适宜需要量为146.6mg。 In this paper, forty nine fluoride operators worker were selected for this study of vitamin C requirement,by use of the index of the vitamin C excretion level in early morning 1 hour fasting urine,the ratio of the vitamin to creatinine (as g) in a random urine, 4 hour oral vitamin loading urine. They were divided into 5 groups and supplemented ordlly with various amounts of vitamin C for 30 days,the intake of each group was 46. 6, 96. 6 , 146. 6, 196. 6 and 246. 6mg /day per capita respectively. The results showed that when the mean intake of each group were raised from 96. 6mg/day to 146. 6mg/day vitamin C excretion level of the mentional urine of the third group was increased suddenly,and there was significant statistical difference between the 2th and 3th group. The vitamin C requirement was calculated by means of using the intersection of two regression equations and there was intersection between the 2th and the 3th group. Considered that the optimal daily vitamin C requirement for the fluoride operators worker was 146.6mg.
出处 《中国公共卫生学报》 1995年第6期355-357,共3页
关键词 氟作业工人 维生素C 需要量 Fluoride operators worker Vitamin C requirement
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