犬细小病毒(CPV)和梨形虫分别是危害犬的重要的病毒和寄生虫,两者都是我国对外检疫名录中规定的检疫对象。1994年5月间,南京动植物检疫局在从香港引进犬中同时检出犬细小病毒和梨形虫,这些犬混合感染了犬细小病毒和吉氐巴贝氐焦虫,这在国内尚未见报道。 发病情况和临床症状 1994年4月21日和4月31日,江苏某公司从香港引进2月龄挪威那犬19头,入境时有咳嗽、流泪症状,体质虚弱,食欲差,隔离检疫期间相继出现上吐下泻、发烧、结膜炎。腹泻随时间延长而加重,粪便成结或流体状,灰色或黄色,体重迅速减轻。
In April 1994. some of the 19 imported dogs manifested clinical signs of diarrhea, blood diarrhea, hemoglobinuria etc during the post-entry quarantine. The mortality rate was approximatively 80 percent, the clinical evidences were examined. The samples were taken and mixed, infection of Canine parvovirus and piroplasma was found. Pathological studies of the samples were finished. The virus was isolated by cell culture and identified as canine parvovirus by HA test, HI test and immune electron - microscope, canine piroplasma was examined by microscope and electron - microscope.