

Application of Ilizanov Fixation Teohnique in Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Disease of Limbs
摘要 应用伊利扎诺夫(Ilizanov)外固定器和技术在肢体伤残康复治疗中,对53例患者的59个肢体进行了治疗,其中:肢体延长42例、胫腓骨粉碎性骨折加压固定6例7个肢体、膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形矫正4例5个肢体、先天性胫骨假关节加压固定1例,均达到满意的康复效果。尤其对严重的胫腓骨粉碎性骨折的整复固定,对矫正膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形,与以往的方法相比,具有明显的优越性。对先天性胫骨假关节进行加压时延长肢体取得了确切的疗效。结果表明伊利扎诺夫外固定器和技术具有多种功能的同时,还具有患者能早期负重功能锻炼,防止膝、踝关节并发功能障碍,避免骨质疏松的发生等优越性。 In application of the Ilizanov external fixation technique, various treatments for the rehabilta-tion of injured limbs have been recorded on 59 limbs of 53 patients. Of them, 42 patients were for limb lengthening, 7 limbs of 6 patients were for compressed external fixation to comminuted fracture of tibial or fibula joints , and 5 limbs of 4 patients were for malformature correction of flexed knee joint contracture, and 1 patient was for compressed external fixation to congenital tibial pseudoarthrosis. All the rehabilitative results have been satisfactorily achieved. Particularly, for compressed external fixation to severe comminuted fracture of tibial of fibula joints, and for malformature correction of flexed knee joint contracture, the new method is obviously superior to any previous methods. And it has also achieved definite curative effects for compressed limb lengthening to congenital tibial pseudoarthrosis.The results have made clear that, the application of the Ilizanov external fixation technique in the treatment of injured limbs, has the functions of holding, compressing and lengthening. It also has the advantages of enabling the patients to do early weight-bearing training, preventing the dysfunction of knee or ankle joints, and avoiding the happenning of the osteoporosis. It is of clinical significance. It is a new technique well worth being recommended.
出处 《中国康复》 1995年第3期108-110,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation
关键词 伊利扎诺夫 固定器 关节挛缩 康复疗法 肢体伤残 Ilizanov external fixation limb lengthening joint contracture tibial pseudarthrosis
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