he origin,diameter,course and distribution of the
S-A node artery were studied in 150adult heart preparations by artery
perfusion(30 cases)and dissection (120 cases).48.7%of theS-A node
arteries originate fromthe proximal 2 cm of the right coronary artery
with a diameter of1.5±0.4(0. 9~2.2)mm;34.9%of them arise from the
proximal 1 cm of the circumflex branchof the left coronary artery
with a diameter of 1.5± 0.4(1.0~2.4)mm;the rest of the arteries(15.
8%)were from the posterolateral left coronary artery with a diameter
of 1.7±0.4(1.0~7. 2)mm. The course of S-A node artery has a close
relationship with the anterior interatrial sul-cus and the
interatrial muscular bundle,most of them end at the orifice of the
superior vena cavawith a counter clockwise course, but one-forth of
the cases have a descending loop up the posteri-or interatrial
sulcus. The posterior sinus node artery usually proceeds intramurally
through thelateral wall of the left atrium between the atrial
appendage and the left superior pulmonary vein tothe sinus
node.Anastomoses between the coronary arteries and tbe broncbial or
anterior medi-astinal arteries were observed in 20%of the 30 artery
perfusion specimens.The clinical signifi-cance relating to the S-A
node artery was afforded.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy