
喉上神经袢的应用解剖 被引量:4

An applied anatomical study on the superior laryngeal nerve loop
摘要 解剖观察60具(120侧)人颈部尸体标本,见颈交感干与喉上神经外支交通成袢者92.5%(111例)。其形态分为v形、U形、混合形,并列双袢、并列三袢5种。在胸骨甲状肌喉三角的额状切面内见神经为1支占71.7%(86侧),2支及以上者占28.3%(34侧)。单支者神经多位于甲状腺上动脉内侧;多支者一般内侧支位于咽下缩肌表面,外侧支位于甲状腺上动脉内侧。本研究结果修正了Moosman等提出的胸骨甲状肌喉三角中神经仅为单支的概念,为临床甲状腺外科手术提供了新的解剖学基础。 he incidence of superlor laryngeal nerve loop was observed in 92.5%of the 60 cadavers(120 specimens),which was formed by the connection of the cervieal sympathetic chain and theexternal laryngeal nerve. The loop could be divideed into 5 categories:V- shaped,U- shaped,mixed. juxtaposed- double and juxtaposed-trible. The number of the loops was 77 and its lowest point ishigher than the level of the attachment of the sternothyroid muscle to the oblique line of the thy-roid cartilage of the larynx. and was 34 which is lower than the attachment. There were respe-tively 86. 32,1 and 1 sides spccimens which were recolored with single. double,trible and qudrublenerve trunks within the sternothyroid-laryngeal triangle single region.The single nerve trunk wasusually located in the medial side of the superior thyroid artery. The multiple nerve trunks lay onthe surface of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle and their lateral trunk(or trunks)usual-ly located in the medial side of the superior thyroid artery. The result provided some morphologybases for thyroid surgery.
出处 《中国临床解剖学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第4期258-262,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
关键词 颈交感干 喉上神经袢 应用解剖 甲状腺 外科手术 superior laryngeal nerve superior laryngeal nerve loop sternothyroid-laryngeal trian-gle
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