湖南省1963~1992年间有452例麻风患者MB 381例,PB 71例)治愈后复发,其中用DDS的425例,用DDS+TB_1的21例,用DDS+RFP的6例。MB患者治愈至复发平均为9.7年,PB为6.9年;复发均不受治疗时间长短的影响。30年来麻风复发数与新患者数之比在逐年增加。到目前用在MDT治愈者中尚未见复发。
From 1963 to 1992,in Hunan Province there have been 1 1 ,401 people to be cured of leprosy with DDS mono therapy or DDS plus RMP,of which 452 have relapsed, accounting for 3. 9 %. The period from cured to relapsed was 9. 7(one to 28)years for MB and 6. 9 (one to 19) years for PB on the average respectively, having no relation to the duration of taking the treatment. In the same time, 8, 977 new cases were detected and the proportion between the relapsed and new patients was 1 : 19. 9. The causes led to relapse mostly were not clear,but in some cases it might have certain thing to do with undernutrition, overfatigue, excessive drinking, mental stress and pregnancy,etc.