四川位于我国西南部,面积56万多平方公里,人口1.1亿,主要有彝、藏、汉、回、羌等民族;辖11个市、9个地区,3个自治州,共219个县(市);东部多为丘陵,属亚热带湿润季风气候,西部海拨较高,为温带亚热带高原气侯。 麻风在四川的流行史较长,清末外国天主教入川后,在昭花县买地建圣堂时建有麻风院,后在康定也建起麻风收容所(现泸定皮防院);
Sichuan Province has begun to control leprosy since 1950s,. After over 40 years, the number of the patients decreased from 40. 000 and more to 2861, the prevalence from 0. 67 to 0. 026 per mile, and the incidence among children reduced to 0. 001/100,000. And in 16 counties the detection rate was below 0. 2/1 00,000,so there are 152 counties to reach or approached the target of basic eradication of leprosy.