对长效口服避孕药片剂生产及18甲基炔诺酮原料生产工人进行了制药前后的体检。结果制药工人中有头晕,乏力、嗜睡等神衰样症状达87.5%;恶心、食欲改变等消化道症状30.1%。但离岗休养后症状大部分可消失,生产18甲原料的女工月经改变率68%,提示有性激素影响.片剂与原料生产对甘油三酯的影响相反,可能与片剂中含长效雌激素有关。外周血淋巴细胞SCE 频率在18甲原料生产后显著升高,考虑与生产环境中接触各种有害物质有关.就体检所见提出了改善避孕药生产劳动保护的重要性.
Physical examinations have been given to workersboth before and after they were engaged in the manufacture oflong-acting oral contraceptive pills or norgestrel raw material.Results have shown that 87.5% of the workers compl ained ofsymptoms of neurosis and 30.1% of the workers complained of gas-trointestinal symptoms.But most symptoms would disappear afterthe workers were relieved from their productive posts.In addtion,68% of women workers engaged in the production of norgestrelhave had menstrual disturbances,which indicated estrogeniceffects.The SCE rate of Peripheral lymphocytes was significa-ntly increased after the workers became engaged in the product-ion of norgestrel.It is believed that this was due to contact withharmful matters the environment of Production.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases