The results of determinations of soluble
interleukin- 2 receptor(sIL-2R)and FT_3、FT_4、TSH were reported in
patients with thyroid disorders. One hundred and fifteen patients
withGraves’disease were devided into 5(A,B,C,D,E)groups and
twenty-three patients with by-pothyroidism were devided into
2(F,G)groups according to their clinical features and
thyroidfunctions. The levels of sIL-2R were higher in untreated
Graves’ disease(group A)and un-treated Graves disease with
ophthalmopathy(group D) than other groups. The leves of sIL-2Rof
patients with hypothyroidism(group G),who were treated and their
thyroid function becamenormal , were higher than those hypothyroid
ism patients(group F ) who were untreated. Thelevels of sIL-2R were
reduced to normal in 10 patients with Graves’ disease who vvere
treatedand their thyroid functions became normal. High significant
positive correlation between FT_3and sIL-2R was found in patients
with Graves’ disease(r=0. 433, P <0. 001) and with
hy-pothyroidism(r=0. 534, P <0. 02). It suggests that thyroid hormons
are main regulator ofthe concentrations of serum sIL-2R in patients
with thyroid disorders. The contribution of au-toimmune activity
maybe detected only in some patients with Graves’ disease with
ophthamopa-thy,while the role of the immune system is masked by the
hyperthyroid state.
Chinese Journal of Immunology