A novel hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)-assiciated
neutral glycolipid antigen(HCAl )high-ly expressed in HCC tissues was
isolated to homogeneity from HCC tissues using
immunoaffinitychromatography on Sepharose-coupled McAbHab20 against
HCAl. They were demonstratedthat the purified antigen HCAl was a
polar neutral glycolipid with a slower high performancethin layer
chromatography(HPTLC)mobility than that of Paraglob and that HCAl
could berecognized by Hab20 on autoradiogram of HPTLC immunobinding
assay whereas it could notcombine vvith anti-AFP antibody in
radioimmunoassay. Comparisons were made betweenHPTLC pattern of
neutral glycolipids of HCC and that of normal liver,in which a new
specialband with the same HPTLC mobility as HCAl was found in HCC
compared to the loss of amain band with a mobility between Golb and
Paraglob form HCC,which suggest that there maybe an increase in one
glycosyltransferase activity as well as a reduction of another
glycosyl-transferase activity in HCC. In this study it is confirmed
that HCAl differs from any known tu-mor-associated antigen in
immunological pattern and biochemical characterization.
Chinese Journal of Immunology