n this study, the immune function in 18 patients with malignant obstructive jaundicewas observed before and after bile duct drainage. Other 20 patients with benign obstructivejaundice were served as control. The results revealed that: total complement and C3 partookthe. inflammatory reaction , they reached the peak on the 3rd postoperative day ' there was nosignificant differences between these two groups ; no significant change was noted in C4 levelafter bile duct drainage in both groups. The change of soluble interleukinZ receptor (SIL-ZR) was simalar with lymphocyte tranformation rate (LTR). SIL-2R in malignant groupwas significantly higher than that in benign group,it reached the peak on the 3rd postopera-tive day in both groups and subsequently decreased,after that increased again on 14th post-operative day in the malignant group. This may indicate that drainage plays a role of improv-ing the immune function in malignant obstructive jaundice and SIL-2R is a sensitive marker.
China Journal of General Surgery