A systematic epidemiological survey and studies on a outbreak of Leptospirosis in Shanggao county,Jiangxi province in 1992 was carried out by the Geographical Epidemiological method.The results suggested that Shanggao county,Jiangxi province should be a mixtural epidemic area with epidemic type being rice field; mixtural infections should be caused mainly by Leptospira Hebdomadis, rodents density was 4.49%, Serological survey results indicated that cattles(buffalos)and swines were infected by Leptospira,epidemic months were from July to September,infective spots were mainly rice field and ponds an most of the patients were peasants with their ages mainly 15~45 years old. The pH of the water of the rice fields and ponds ranged from 6.4 ̄6.5.The isolate rate of Leptospira from ponds water was chigh(5/6).198 sero-samples from patients with early Leptospirosis in clinic,14 sero-samples from cattles(buffalos)and 7 sero-samples from swines were tested by dot-ELISA and MAT, While 30 strains of Leptospire,7 strains of Leptospire and 1 strain of Leptospira were isolated respectively from patients, water of ponds,rice fields and rivers and urines of cattles(buffalos). The results showed that the positive rate of dotELISA(64.6%)was higher than that of blood culture (15.2%) and MAT(14.1%).Most of the Leptospire isolated from the patients were Leptospira Hebdomadis(15 strains),others were Leptospira Javanica (6 strains),Leptospira Australis(2 strains),Leptospira Grippotyphosa(3 strains),Leptospira Mini(1strain) and Leptospira Scjroe(2 strains). The results showed that the dot-ELISA was a rapid,simple,sensative and specific method to diagnose the patients with early Leptospirosis and to carry out the geographicepidemiologic surveillance of Leptospirosis.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses