Nitrogen monoxide is a very small inorganic com-pound has recently been discovered to possess veryimportant physiological activities. Multidisciplinary re-search on endothelium - derived relaxing factor(EDRF)proved that nitrogen monoxide is widely syn-thesized in the body through L-arginine pathway inthe presence of NO synthase. It is now a common un-derstanding that nitrogen monoxide plays the roles asa second messenger as well as a neurotransmitter. Itis a very important mediator for intercellular informa-tion transmission and widely participates in the regula-tion of physiological function. Having a very simplestructure, nitrogen monoxide plays such an importantroIe in biological activities. This discovery makes sci-entists amazed. The research area has been broad-ened and the knowledge of some diseases has deep-ened. As a result,changes in the idea of the pathogen-esis and therapeutics of some diseases have beenbrought about.Research on the mechanism of the action of nitro-gen monoxide will not only help to elucidate the physi-ological phenomena which are not yet fully under-stood,but also provide new ideas and approaches tothe prevention and treatment of many diseases.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers