ithin 12 years from 1980 to 1992, 324 patients un-derwent surgery because of byperthyroidism in ourhospital. Histological examination of resected thyroidtissue revealed carcinoma in 9 cases (2. 84 N ), 1. 52N(4/263) in primary primary hyperthyroidisms,, 7. 84% (4/51)in secondary multinodular goiters, and 10%(1/10)intoxic uninodalar goiter's. In the patients with. coldnodular', 13. 3 % (2/15) were found thyroid carcnoma,of 9 Patients with thyroid carcinoma, 6 were papillarycarcinoma, 2 were follicular carcinoma and 1 wasedxed cartinoma. The diameters of tumor in 5 patientswere lin than Icm. From many articles and our infor-mations, we can find that thyroid carcinoma is relatedto kWrthyToidism. Our article discuses about the eti-ology, diagnosis and treatment of the thyroid carcino-ma in hyporthyroidism.
Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery