etween 1 January 1960 and 31 december 1993, 153cases of aortic graft were performed following abdominal aortic aneurysms resection. Their were 124 menand 29 women. 15-80 years old mean 63.5 years. Specific medical condition were present concomitantly withthe aortic abdominal aneurysm: 98 patients (65%) withhypertention, 35 patients (23 % ) with coronary arterydisease 15 patients with diabetes (9. 9% ). To determine the distance between renal artery and aortic aneurysms is essential. Ultrasonography and CT scanare helpful, but not ahuay successful. Arteriography isa very useful method for objective diagnosis. improvingoperative technique enables repairment of aortic abdominal aneurysms becomes rapit and safe.
Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery