如何主动适应社会主义市场经济的需要,搞好医疗卫生改革,有许多问题需要探讨,不是简单地照抄照搬经济体制改革的一般做法能够解决问题的。现在还存在许多不同认识,本文试图做出自己的分析。 一、卫生资源配置是实行规划导向还是市场导向 各个部门如何运用计划与市场两种手段,应该从本部门的具体特点出发。江泽民同志指出,“在建立社会主义市场经济过程中,计划与市场两种手段相结合的范围、程度和形式,
Proceding from the concrete conditions and characteristics of medical service sectors,public health care service should generally be public products. It is inadvisable to practice market -orienting and merchandising. We cannot mainly rely on market mechanism to perform self -adjustment for basic medical service,because it is very likely to lead to irrational configuration and waste in the use of resources. In order to make medical care service market functioning normally, plan, adjustment and control, supervision, and management of government need to be done well.This management must be based on the law of value.The government needs to change its functions gradually, transfer power to a lower level,and sort out institutions from the government. In the process of health reform,in order to achieve success of reform,the leadership of the government should be emphasized,making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration should be paid attention to,coordination should be well done,and practicing reform measures on whole and complete basis should be persistedin.
Chinese Health Economics