At present
time,destruction of antigenicity is used most frequently as the indicator ofdisinfection of HAV. In
the present study,HAV multiplied in tissue culture(the HAV usedwas NJ-3 strain and the cell
strain was PLC/PRF/5.which was incubated at 32℃ for 15days)was used to observe the effects
of chlorine on its antigenicity and cell infectivity.Theantigenicity of HAV was examined by ELISA
test of the sample directly. For examination ofinfectivity of HAV,the sample was cultured with
the cells for 15 days first.Since the culturemethod used did not produce plaque,the supernatant
after centrifugation of the lysate of cul-tured cells was tested by ELISA to observe whether HAV
antigen appears and its titer. Theresult of ELISA was considered as negative if the ratio of OD
values of test sample to negativesample(S/N)was <2.1. The results indicated that when the HAV
suspension with a titer of 1:8(ELISA) was di-luted to 10 ̄(-2),tne antigenicity could not be
detected by ELISA method,while the result of ex-amination of HAV suspension diluted to 10 ̄
(-5) and multiplied in the cells was still positive. Indisinfection experiment with introducing
chlorine into water,the disinfectant solution con-taining 25 mg/L available chlorine with a 30
minute contact time could cause disappearanceof infectivity of HAV,while 50 mg/L was required
for destruction of its antigenicity.Whendisinfectant sulution containing 100 mg/L availabel
chlorine was used for disinfection ofHAV suspension containing10% calf serum,the infectivity of
HAV did not disappear until af-ter exposure for 10 minutes,while exposure for 30 minutes still
could not completely destroyits antigenicity.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection